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Source language
Czech Fotky. Eliky Benyky meets Inner Space od ahZ
Ačkoliv v Praze bylo v pátek mejdanů povícero (za všechny jmenujme DJské maniaky Sigma v Crossu), kdo přišel do Tousteru, nelitoval. Zahráli Béla EN, Bifidus Aktif, Rudeboy, KamCZa & Marthyx.

Completed translations
English Photos. Eliky Benyky meets Inner Space from ahZ
Italian Foto: Eliky Benyky incontra Inner Space da ahZ
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Italian Sig.r Malin buongiorno, mi dispiace ma... Sig.r Malin buongiorno,
mi dispiace ma non capisco l'inglese.
la villa è disponibile dal 29/6 al 20/7. la casa è vicino alla spiaggia e con vista mare, è dotata di 2 camere matrimoniali,2 bagni, soggiorno con angolo cottura, veranda e giardino.
Il prezzo settimanale compreso di tutto è di €900.
Cordiali saluti, Tonino Costanza

Completed translations
Swedish God dag fru Malin
Source language
Norwegian savner ham
savner ham
this phrase was used as a description for a photo album. Please translate to US English

Completed translations
English miss him
Source language
Swedish Hon har bruna ögon och brunt hår, hon är kort och...
Som person är hon rolig, söt, trevligt och utåtriktad. Hon är en bra mamma.
Som person är han glad, smart, trevlig och kärleksfull. Han är världens bästa pappa. På dagarna jobbar han på KTH.
Hon är söt och duktig på fotboll. Hon går i skolan.
Andreas jobbar som säljare.
I framtiden vill jag flytta till USA och jobba som nanny. Jag vill även ta körkort.

Completed translations
Italian Lei ha gli occhi marroni e i capelli scuri, è piccola di statura e...
Source language
Albanian ckemi si je...po je gjalle apo jo mor diale se na...
ckemi si je...po je gjalle apo jo mor diale se na ka marre malli..
apo je merzitur per ndonje gje me mua...
me the eren e fundit qe folem qe do ikje te shkisje...
kur ta lexosh e-mail me shkruaj dhe ti ne qoftese ke deshire...
te uroj gjithe te mirat...

Completed translations
English What's up? How are you? Are you still alive or not anymore, my friend, because we....
Italian Come va?
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Persian language دلتنگم و دیدار تو درمان من است
دلتنگم و دیدار تو درمان من است
بی رنگ رخت زمانه زندان من است
بر هیچ تنی مباد و بر هیچ تنی
آنچ از غم هجران تو بر جان من است

Completed translations
English I am depressed and my remedy is to see you
Italian Sono depresso
Source language
Spanish No hace mucho que estoy en vela, esperando una...
No hace mucho que estoy en vela, esperando una nueva era. Sólo tengo tres cartuchos junto a mí. Y un fusil, no sé si me sea útil.
Es como una historia
Inngles britanico y Frances de Francia

Completed translations
French Il n'y a pas longtemps que je veille
English I haven't been in this sleepless state for too long, awaiting a...
Italian Vedetta
Source language
Swedish hej, jag har skapat en ny mail åt dig. ...
hej,jag har skapat en ny mail åt dig.
Och lösenordet är maverick,avsluta dina andra mail konton och använd bara detta så slipper du mer problem.

Completed translations
English New e-mail
Source language
English Foucault, by a movement which he calls...
Foucault, by a movement which he calls "reversal", overturns many of our assumptions on madness and shows how madness was actually created by the practice of internment in so far as, according to him, not only did internment actually enable "sane" society to define what was to be regarded as "insane" and "sub-human", but it also created the conditions in which "madness" could come into being, by relegating the alleged madmen in conditions which could have driven anybody insane.
About "madness and civilization" and "the birth of the clinic" by Michel Foucault

Completed translations
Italian Teoria Foucault.
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
English He took Hamlet aside and talked to him. ''Peple...
He took Hamlet aside and talked to him. ''Peple say a poisonous snake killed me but they are wrong. i was sleeping in my garden when Claudius came and he put poison in my ear! it was a painful death. your uncle is very evil man. you must take revenge for my murder and kill him! But please, do not harm your mother!' then the ghost disappeared.

polonius knew that Hamlet was in love with his daughter, ophelia. he sent her to look for Hamlet

Completed translations
Italian Amleto
Source language
Danish Kære venner, Endelig er vi færdige med at...
Kære venner,
Endelig er vi færdige med at flytte.
Det er dejligt at være tilbage i DANMARK efter 13 år i Amerika.
Vi er også begge begyndt at arbejde i DANMARK.
Men vi savner CHIANCIANO. Og nu er det tid til en visit.
Vi ankommer til CHIANCIANO den 29. april om eftermiddagen.

Vi håber, at I har det rigtig godt.

Kærlig hilsen fra
Jette og Robert

Completed translations
Italian Lettera
Source language
Spanish feliz cumpleaños mi amor
feliz cumpleaños mi amor
<Admin's remark>
This request is no longer acceptable according to our new submission rules.

Completed translations
Italian Buon compleanno amore mio.
Source language
Swedish Din patetiska jävel
Din patetiska jävel
<Admin's remark>
This request is no longer acceptable according to our new submission rules.

Completed translations
Italian Patetico bastardo.
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Norwegian du er deg, og det er alt som betyr noe for meg!
du er deg, og det er alt som betyr noe for meg!

Completed translations
Italian Tu sei tu..
Swedish du är du, och det är allt som betyder något för mig!
Source language
This translation request is "Meaning only".
Hebrew בסוף החלטתי על מכתב אישי
בסוף החלטתי על מכתב אישי..ממילא זה לא ישנה כלום
נראה לך בסדר?...

Completed translations
English in the end I decided...
Italian Lettera personale.
Source language
Swedish du är påväg ner
du är påväg ner

Completed translations
English You're going down.
Spanish Vas cuesta abajo
Serbian Gotov si.
Source language
Italian grazie molto, bello! la mia sedia a rotelle...
grazie molto, bello! la mia sedia a rotelle vorrebbe avervi una conversazione con.

jag kan inte spanska

Jag uppskattade en skiva, och fick denna kommentaren som svar. Haha, det vore jättetrevligt om någon kan översätta!

Completed translations
Swedish Tack så mycket, fint!
Source language
English God bless my family. Keep them safe. Thank you...
God bless my family. Keep them safe. Thank you for each day. Thank you for allowing my mother (may she rest in peace) to watch over me. Thank you for my wonderful children. Please keep my dad and brother in your watchful arms. Bless my Grandmother as she turns 100 in May and bless my aunt ruth for the strength to care for her. I love my family and I would have nothing and be nothing without you. Amen
A little prayer I say at night.

Completed translations
Italian Grazie Dio
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